Fun and Fit: Keep Your Summer Body at Summer BBQs

For many, an invitation to a summer BBQ can feel like a choice between having fun and staying fit. Luckily, fun and fit are not mutually exclusive. Here are five ways to keep your hard-earned results without slimming down your social calendar.

1. Skip the sugar water. Juice, soda and sweet tea have more sugar than many desserts. Not only are the calories from sugar especially hard on your metabolism, but the fact that they’re liquid means they won’t make you feel full. Stick to unsweetened tea, soda water with lime or plain water.

2. Beware of the sides. At most BBQs, the side dishes will make or break your meal from a nutrition standpoint. Steer clear of the obvious: chips, mac and cheese, sweet “salads.” Instead, load your first plate with veggies and protein. You’ll soon feel full and you’ll keep feeling great.

3. Don’t show up empty-handed. A simple way to make sure the right side-dish options are on hand, while being a great guest, is to bring them with you. Find out what the host will be serving and see how you can honor your nutrition plan, your taste buds and the menu.

4. Pick your battles. One of the keys to having your cake and eating it too is deciding in advance when you’ll treat yourself and when you won’t. It’s much easier to say “no” to today’s mediocre casserole when you know you’ll be saying “yes” to next week’s amazing bread pudding. And by not waiting to decide, you’ll save your brain some decision fatigue.

5. Empty the tank. A session of strength or interval training (or one of each) before you decide to treat yourself will help your body metabolize the extra carbs. This is because “emptying the tank” of your muscles (glycogen stores) improves the function of hormones such as insulin. These hormones tell your body if it should send your food to your fat cells or somewhere else. You want the later.

A best-selling author and fitness expert, Josef Brandenburg owns True 180 Fitness in Georgetown. Information about his 14-Day Personal Training Experience may be found at

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